Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Baby Number 2!

Remember when I said I was feeling nauseated, dizzy and weird on my Dec.19 post? Well it was all because God answered our prayer already!

I am 6weeks delayed now and based on what I learned in Nursing, it's the best time to take pregnancy tests. And so I did and viola! Thank God it's POSITIVE!!

We just figure it out yesterday. My goodness! I even had a tiring day yesterday because we were at Kangazoom at the Tracy Mall and played with my daughter along with the other kids on the jump-jump bouncers, trampoline and giant slides. Yes! My weight passed the requirement lol! And not to mention, I started Zumba and jogging and cutting down on my calorie intake. So I guess I will continue cutting on carbs and sweets this time since I have the tendency (and I was with my daughter) to become diabetic when pregnant. Aka Gestational Diabetes.

So today I have an OB Appointment today to confirm the pregnancy via bloodtest and to make sure it's intrauterine pregnancy and not ectopic. I pray everything will be ok and we will stay healthy all through out the pregnancy.

However, the OB said it is still too early to see the embryo. I am 6wks delayed and 3wks pregnant. She said most of the time the embryo can be seen at 6-8wks AOG but she said she can see a gestational sac which confirms a pregnancy and we have done another urine and blood HCG tests and both are positive. So we set up another ultrasound appointment next month.

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