Hello! welcome to my blog again. I am so happy today because I guess Santa came in soo early for me :) I got a reply from a potential client and we talked about his proposed project for me and we agreed to the terms and will be sending me further instructions via email. Hopefully I will be able to get the hang of the project and this will be one of my long-time client.
But anyway, YES!, being a mom #mommyfied my life has changed so much but I am not complaining. I am a stay at home mom and I love watching my child grow and be 100% hands on in taking care of her. I am lucky enough not to be obliged by my husband to work for now. However, I still want to be productive and earn while staying at home. Ofcourse its not all the time that I will ask money to my husband if I want to buy something for myself. After all, my daughter is 2yo and she loves to play on her own, she watches her own show etc. She is no longer that hard to be taken care of. And so I decided to get into some freelancing/work-from-home jobs and I am in it for almost a year now.
Before I got married, I was a super workaholic woman. Like no dayoffs for me (Yes, I still go to work even on my dayoffs and consider that as my overtime), If I do, I get along with my friends to hang out go bar hopping, shopping. You know, the usual single lady would do. I was independent since then living in my own apartment, paying bills and solve my own problems haha! I enjoyed my life then in the Philippines and that is why I didn't have a hard time letting go of it and taking it to the next level of getting married here in the US and have kid(s). By the way I worked in a call center office 5years in Clark,Pampanga as a Customer Service Rep and 2years in Iloilo City as an Advanced Technical Support.
Being married, I learned to be practical. And since it is not that easy for me to get into the medical field/nursing here in California, I have to go back schooling again and I would probably do that once my daughter reached school age already. (now I need more alone time to focus on my online lectures). We don't want to put her in daycare eventhough her Godmother owns one because of the pros and cons and also that would adds up to our expenses as well. Mommies out there would definitely understand me. So while I stay at home, I make the most out of it and I thank God for the projects that's coming on m way.
Anyhow, I want to share to everybody my Upwork Profile

Alright, I guess this is all for now. I have to do some cleaning since my inlaws are coming home from the Philippines tonight. Yey! I am so excited to see them and of course- Pinoy goodies! :) I will share it with you guys soon. Again, thank you so much for taking time reading my blog and I look forward to seeing you on my next post.
Much l💋ve,
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