So much fun and love for our Saoirse on her birthday (birthday blog soon) means more clothes to organize 🤗. But no worries 'cause Pinterest is always there to the rescue. 😉 I came across this blog with the idea of repurposing a bookcase and turning it into a nursery closet space. Luckily I have one bookcase thats just sitting in the corner of my daughter's room and instead of storing books, I had photo frames and decors in it. Btw, here's how I made these very easy DIY furniture transformation.
I only need these tension curtain rods. I got the 18"-26" since my shelf's width is 24". These comes in 4pcs per pack which is I am happy about it and can still use these in my future projects.
To begin this project, I always start with a clean slate. I wiped clean the shelving unit and the rest of the bookcase. Next is I removed the horizontal shelving unit and rearranged it according to the length of the clothes and the storage boxes. The middle part of the bookcase was with a screw and I didn't bother to remove it and I know it's there for support. Then I arranged the dresses according to its length. The ternos stays on the top shelf and the dresses on the bottom shelf. These clothes are all sizes 18-24mos and would be perfect for her in winter. And lastly, i took away those tiny crate and shoe boxes out of their closet and put it in the bookcase to add more space in their closet?. Shoes are in the crate and her wash cloths and hair accessories are whats inside the plastic shoebox. And voilà! There goes my nursery closet! I might do this again on the other bookcase I have in the guestroom😝. Hope you like it and tagged me if you happen to make one or if you have any furniture transformation ideas.
Photo edited through PicCollage App
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