Thursday, September 20, 2018

Laundry Room Organization

So much stuff to do yet so little time to make it happen. Until yesterday, I was able to organize our laundry room. We are so fortunate to have a bigger space to do our laundry. That is why it also turned out to be a storage for our stuff that were still in the box when we moved. Until such time it became a chaos and it was such an eyesore looking at our laundry room. Here's the before and after photo. I know! I super hate the mess too!!! 

And ideas kept popping outta my mind and I know its time for some organizing to do.

So I made a trip to my happy place, the Dollartree after Saoirse's 1yo Wellbaby visit and grabbed these orange bins/basket to put whatever stuff in the laundry room. I put all the sprayers in one bin, next are the dusters, then the bin for my fabric softeners and deodorizers, bin for the bleach and cleaners and I made a spot for the detergent soap. I also took away those unopened boxes which I didn't mind checking whats in it and I believe those are no longer needed stuff (which I think it's mostly clothes) and these will just go to Goodwill. If you live overseas, you gotta find a spot for your luggage. That spot right there covered with white blanket was all luggage stacked together and I emptied the hamper by just washing everything whats in there. I also organized the hangers put on the side for the clothes we want to air dry. On the other side of the room were large storage bins for extra bed sheets, blankets and pillowcases. I just stacked them up nicely to look good. 

I started organizing the laundry room late in the afternoon and finished at 2AM. I can't go to sleep without finishing what it has to be done. I ended up with a balikbayan box of clothes to send out to Goodwill and a huge box of trash that will go to recycle bin. 

Ah! vacuumed floor, the smell of detergent and fabric softeners, more space to move around and organized large bins was such a relief! Makes me feel like sleeping in the laundry room! Joke! So tell me, what do you think about my laundry organization? Talk to you in the comment box.

Photo edited through PicCollage App

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