Yaaaaas! it's SEPTEMBER📆!! 8 days until I have my CSection Surgery and finally be able to hug and kiss my baby number two. Yes it is going to be a scheduled CS because my OB says that I have less than 50% of chance to go on NSD (Normal Spontaneous Delivery) based on my BMI and seriously I have a gigantic belly😱! lol! Well, not new to me since I had a big belly too with my first born. I guess thats how it is when you are gestational diabetic but anyhow, this will go away immediately right after childbirth.
Anyway, since im almost a week away from my scheduled CS, I already prepared my hospital bag and I want to share it with everybody reading my blog to give ideas to my first-time mom friends. I have a pregnancy app on my phone called Sprout and this is where I got the idea because the app has the checklist of the must haves upon admission.
So first is my duffel bag. This is nothing expensive. I got it from Walmart for $11. Its big and roomy and has lots of pockets and sturdy. I don't have anything like this so I decided to get one. Most of my bags are tote bags and backpack that aren't big enough to hold my stuff for a 2-3days hopefully except if I will use our luggage lol! which my husband told me not to because im not checking in into a hotel or there for a vacation hahaha!! make sense!..so I just bought this instead..
Next are my essentials.. My bath towel, 2 of my tube top Hawaiian dress for easy access when breastfeeding (or I may just be on my patient's gown the whole time), my toiletries (though the hospital may provide these but better to have some just in case) and lastly, my intimates which are not in the picture😝.
My baby's "going home outfit" or could be her photo session outfit. Yes! the hospital has their photographers who goes to every postpartum mom and would ask if they would like to have their baby's first photo session with a fee and of course, I will not say no to that! :) I will also bring this large tote bag to hold some documents or even other giveaways from the hospitals and gifts from visitors just in case.
Then I also have these newborn, 0-3mos, 6-9mos onesies. I dont know how big she will be because when Shiloh's time, I didnt know she's going to be a 10lbs and 14oz baby and she doesnt fit to the newborn clothes anymore haha!! so just to be on the safe side, I will just bring a lot for babytwo. I also have some leggings, burp clothes, swaddles, receiving blankets and my nursing cover to bring along.

Along with my hospital bag, I will also bring my Ameda Double Electric Breast Pump which I got free from my insurance (and they said I am eligible for another one. Every pregnancy actually. How cool is that? let me know if anyone needs one I can give you my extra breastpump ;) ) I also have some baby bottles which is not really necessary because they encourage breastfeeding but unfortunately that was my struggle/frustration the last time. I don't have much milk and Shiloh doesnt like to latch on me and it was the nurses who introduced that baby bottle nipples to her :( probably because Shiloh is already in need of milk that time and will take some time before she get used to my nipples. And my breastpump came late then (7 days late). But anyhow, I hope this will no longer be an issue for me. I even bought this milk supply drink and hopefully this will help me since being on a CSection may delay my natural production of milk due to the medications.

In addition, I will also bring my phone and charger, my wallet with my hospital card and debit card. So if you guys think that I may be forgetting something, let me know in the comment below. If not, im thankful for your prayers and well wishes:)
Much Love,