Friday, June 9, 2017


When I say gig, its an online job for me via Upwork. Lol!.. My current client doesn't have much workload for me for a about 2 weeks now. Ugh! disadvantage of being a freelancer. But then again, I have to understand that. At least I still have a contract with him. Btw, I have been sending proposals to clients, accepting interviews but have not heard anything from them yet. *sigh! I wish to get a new client so that I could have more mollahs to spend for my baby's stuff.

Yep! I am 26 weeks very much pregnant now and dealing with Gestational Diabetes :(. So much sacrifice now for not having too much sugar (or nothing at all) until the last trimester of my journey and this will be gone as soon as my baby is out. So while Im free from Upwork, I keep myself busy monitoring my sugar with my not-so-cool device (glucometer) and doing my research of what are the food types of preparing my meal plan based on my condition. For me who loves sweets, RICE, french fries and any CARBS,I find this so hard! ut then again, there's nothing I would not do for my baby(ies).

Anyhow, right now, me and my husband are just sitting on our couch. Me writing this blog and him watching movies from our Amazon firestick. Its Game4 between Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers but he doesnt want to watch the live game coz he thinks he's a jinx whenever he does and we are rooting for GSW! #GSWalltheway!! So once in a while. I peek on the score or check out love and hate post on Facebook hahaha!!..

Ok gotta go now.

Much Love,

ChocoBananaOatmeal Cookies

Hey Moms and Dads of Preschoolers like me, here is my latest discovery (well, atleast new to me lol!) that your picky eater won't resist...